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HomeNewsCampus & LocalWomen’s Center has full slate of fall events

Women’s Center has full slate of fall events

The Verna B. Coleman Center for Women and Gender Equality, located in room 255 in the Paul Meek Library, provides services and resources for women and hosts events and speakers regarding gender equity.

Dr. Renee LaFleur, associate professor of History and the Women’s Center director, said, “The goal of the center is to help students and support students in achieving their goals through gender equity.”

The center will begin hosting the Lunchtime Speaker Series on Sept. 10 from 12:15- 12:50 p.m. The first session in the series will be about salary negotiation.

“We’re not just concerned about equality issues; we’re also concerned about fairness and justice across the board,” LaFleur said.

LaFleur is working with other groups across campus, such as SPECTRUM, to create new programs as well as opportunities for women to enhance their skills in certain areas, such as leadership.

Many of the issues the center chooses to focus on are not just women’s issues.

“These are not just single gender issues. [They] involve all of us, not just a single person,” LaFleur explained.

This year, the center will be focusing on domestic violence issues and will host activities and discussions during October, which is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

There will be a simulation titled “In Her Shoes” that allows participants to act and make choices as if they were in an abusive relationship.

There is also a Wo/Men’s Resource and Rape Assistance Program (WRAP) advocate available in the Women’s Center.

The center also provides free period supplies for those who need them. Brown bags are available outside the center during library hours and are also available in the Captain’s Pantry in the residence halls.

Resources and programs provided by the center are available to all students.

“It takes everybody to be involved in it. It’s not a women’s issue, it’s an everybody issue,” LaFleur said.

For more information, contact the center at 881-1658 or visit

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