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HomeNewsCampus & LocalWhat to know about drinking and driving

What to know about drinking and driving

Many know the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and that it causes danger and potentially life-altering consequences. However, despite this wide-spread knowledge, drunk driving still happens every single day.

According to MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), the rate of drunk driving is highest among 21 to 25 year olds and males were more likely than females to get behind the wheel intoxicated.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that every day in America, another 28 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes and in 2012, 10,322 people died in drunk driving crashes, which is one every 51 minutes.

The most alarming fact is that all incidents involving DUI arrests, fatal crashes and permanent injury are 100 percent preventable.

With this in mind, here are some ways to prevent DUIs.
ā€¢ Prior to drinking, designate a non-drinking driver who will make sure no one gets behind the wheel impaired.
ā€¢ If there is someone who is about to drive drunk, do not let them. Take their keys. If available, call a taxi for them.
ā€¢ If youā€™re hosting a party where alcohol will be served, remind your guests to plan ahead and designate their sober driver. In addition, offer alcohol-free beverages and make sure all guests leave with a sober driver.
ā€¢ Furthermore, in order to encourage designated drivers, make the designated driver the ā€œMVP of the nightā€ to reward them for taking off the night for your safety. Find unique ways to recognize the designated drivers at your party, such as giving them a great spot to watch the game, keeping their glass full of a non-alcoholic beverage, or paying for their dinner or offering unlimited appetizers.

According to, for those who are driving drunk and get pulled over in Tennessee, they can go to jail, facing a minimum of 48 hours incarcerated, and have their driverā€™s license to revoked for one year.

Additional extremely unpleasant facts regarding DUI arrests in Tennessee for first time DUI offenders show that with towing, bail, attorney, high risk insurance, court costs, DUI school and reinstatement fees, your first offense average costs could add up to $5,000 or more. Also, in Tennessee, many judges will order you to install an Ignition Interlock device on your vehicle at your expense with the first year costing $1,000.

All of this is only what will happen if those involved in a drunk driving incident are lucky enough to have survived the incident and not have killed anyone in the process. If thatā€™s the case, the consequences go even further downhill. In the matter of vehicular assault, child endangerment or vehicular homicide, an individual can face a minimum of two years in jail, along with being a convicted felon. Also, the individual will most likely face the guilt of inflicting emotional and financial scars on innocent victims.

The bottom line is, the consequences of drunk driving are life-altering and can prove fatal, either for you, a friend or family member in the car or an innocent stranger.

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