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Welcome back to UTM, Skyhawks

As the summer of 2018 slowly comes to a close, The Pacer staff would like to welcome back both new and returning students to UTM.

For new students, The Pacer is UTM’s biweekly student newspaper, available in both print and online. Here, you can find out about all kinds of events going on in and around the city of Martin, from hard news, to sports, to entertainment.

Just like every year, The Pacer is eager to return to the office and deliver information to the students and faculty of UTM. Even a small town like Martin has plenty going on, and we highly recommend paying attention to student media in order to keep up with everything.

New students can take solace in knowing that they have chosen a great school. UTM has one of the safest campuses in the Southeast, a plethora of student organizations, an amazing faculty and so much more to offer. There are so many ripe opportunities to be seized by those willing to go out and work for it. Campus involvement is critical in making the most out of the college experience. To see what options are available, check out the Organization Fair on Monday, Aug. 27 in the Elam Center.

For returning students, we want to remind and encourage everyone to keep striving for academic success. Another year in the books means another year closer to obtaining a degree and unlocking a bright future full of opportunity. Get involved in organizations, complete internships and work hard in class to add more credentials to your resumé.

New issues of The Pacer can be found in almost every building on UTM’s main campus or online at our website,

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