Tuesday, March 25, 2025
HomeBlogsVoice It!: UTM Spring 2014 graduates' senior farewells

Voice It!: UTM Spring 2014 graduates’ senior farewells

voiceitlogoIt’s hard to believe that graduation is only a few days away for so many of us.


When we think about the time that we have spent at UTM it naturally sparks different memories for each of us. Of course we think about the major events, but we can’t forget about the friends that we’ve made, the crazy new things we tried and all the fun we had.


Some of you are probably thinking, “I am so done, I just want out of here” and that’s okay. Even those of us who are not graduating this semester have days like that. In the past it has been a tradition for graduating editorial board members of The Pacer to write a senior farewell in the last edition of the paper.


This year we would like to start a new tradition. We would like to invite all UTM Spring graduates to take a few minutes to reflect on your time here at UTM and say your final farewell to your fellow classmates, UTM faculty and staff. Please use the comments section of this blog to write your senior farewell.


We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to write a senior farewell so you and your friends can enjoy reading them now and in the future.


Contact Voice It! at voiceitutm@gmail.com with any suggestions for future blog posts or if you would like to be a guest blogger for Voice It!


We never post comments that contain foul language or material that could be considered libelous.


Feature Photo Credit: Kait Scott

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  1. UTM Women’s Soccer:
    Thank you for all the great memories and championships we have won together! Continue to dominate the OVC! Special shout out to my teammates who helped me get through the pain and suffering of fitness days, Sam Dunn, Ashley Reviez, Dominika Conc, Amy Maksimowicz! Going to miss you all, I was blessed to have been given such great friends/teammates! Thanks for putting up with me!
    Central Baptist Church:
    Thank you so much for taking me in and making me feel at home. I appreciate all the great things you have done for me! Special thanks to Denise and Elliot for all they have done, I am really going to miss College Ministry!

    Last but not least, thanks to everyone I have met at UTM and for all the great memories!

  2. Syrena,

    Working with you on Relay for Life was a pleasure. As a rookie faculty advisor, you made my first UTM Relay a positive experience and one I look forward to next year.

    You have my congratulations, heartfelt best wishes, and sincere thanks for showing what UT Martin is all about. I know you will enjoy a successful career, and I look forward to seeing back at next year’s Relay event.

    Victoria Seng

  3. When graduating high school, I immediately knew the college that I wanted to attend. Between both sides of my family, I have 5 UTM alumnae. UTM was the place for me to go. I came with no close friends from high school to the new creature people called college.

    During my first week at UTM I met some amazing friends and pledged what I think to be the best sorority, Chi Omega. I knew this was only to be the beginning of many fun filled nights and also many late night cramming sessions for tests.

    I changed my major a handful of times until finally choosing Agriculture Communications. I have to say that hands down, both departments have some amazing faculty. I am thankful to UTM for the quality education I have received and the many hands on experiences I have been given.

    I never dreamed that I would be graduating with high honors having been involved in 5 campus organizations and a member of Greek Life. Thank you UTM for everything you have given me and those things you have yet to give.

    With this, I give my senior farewell….

    To Dr. Wes Totten: You pushed me my freshman year in your Plant Science class. I never knew that learning photosynthesis through football plays could be so fun. I have learned a lot from you, in and out of class. You have taught me to push myself to be the best that I can be. I appreciate all you have done for me and wish you the best here at UTM.

    To Dr. Walker: Even though I never had you for a teacher, you have made an impression on me. Working with you during Governor’s School was awesome and I know you have a passion for your students. Thanks for everything you have done for me.

    To Dr. Collard: First, I promise to always wear my seatbelt and not text while driving. I think we can all say that we hear you in our head at all times. Thank you for teaching me how to present myself when I speak and have shaped me into a professional that is ready to conquer the world. Best wishes and thanks again.

    To Dr. Rutledge: WOW! I have worked harder for you and your classes than many here at UTM, with science classes included. Even though I lost some hair during Web Design, your classes have taught me so many life skills that I will carry with me forever. You have inspired me to be great and I am so thankful to you for caring so much for your students.

    To Dr. Seng and Dr. McCullough: Y’all are my heroes. Thank you both for all the time and commitment you gave to Relay for Life. I was honored to have been given the opportunity to work with you. I pass down the Relay legacy to you and look forward to coming back to Relay to see your awesome tents and each y’all strut your stuff in the survivor walk.

    To Hollie: From the first time we met, I knew we would be big and little. Our connection to agriculture is the best. I know you will do great things for Chi Omega. Thanks for being the best little sister that I could ever ask for. Promise to keep in touch even if its every 6 months for a three hour long Cabana date.

    To Ashley: I am so proud to have such a smart Biggie!!! You inspire me each and every day. When I met you the Bid day, I never dreamed you would be my big. We have both been so busy with school that we haven’t gotten to spend as much time with each other but I know that our sisterhood and friendship will last a lifetime.

    To Shelbs: Where do I even begin? From basically saving my life freshman year, to the trips to Halls to birth baby lambs, we have had each other’s backs. I have missed having you at Martin with me so much this last semester but I know you are on the road to Big Girl World. I am so happy to be your maid of honor and can’t wait to stand beside you on your wedding day.

    To Allie: I am going to try and type this without crying. I am so glad that I was forced to sit at your table during recruitment practice. You have been there for me in more ways than one and I’m so thankful for how close we have grown. I am so proud of all your accomplishments and just know that even though I am older than you, I look up to you. (and not just because you are taller than me) I know that you will do great things with Relay for Life and all your other clubs. I was born an only child but i truly know that I have a sister in you. I don’t know what I am going to do next year without you a building over or late night trips to Walmart, McDonalds or the Library. Whenever you miss me, just sing “You gotta know when to hold um, know when to fold, ” I love you so much and hate to be leaving college before you. Here are some life tips that I leave you….
    1. You must learn how to curl your hair because I may not be able to schedule in all your fancy occasions.
    2. Please refrain from the occasionally or not so occasionally burping. But since I won’t be around, I guess its ok.
    3. I leave you the Quote Book and may you ever fill it with funny sayings. “What’s a mink???”
    4. You are free to call/text/email/snailmail me anytime for any reason. If need be I will only be an hour away.

    Thanks for all the memories UTM!

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