Friday, March 28, 2025
HomeBlogsVoice It!: This is why you shouldn't drink and drive, stairwell edition

Voice It!: This is why you shouldn’t drink and drive, stairwell edition

What. The. Heck.

For those who haven’t read the story, I’ll let you stare at this image for a few minutes. Car outside UC

The original story, can be found here:

“Anthony Kelly, 24, has been charged with driving under the influence and resisting arrest.

UTM Police received a phone call around 5:50 a.m. on March 14 stating that a vehicle had been driven down the steps off the patio at the University Center, according to a police report. The report read that the witness reported the driver attempted to leave the area.”

So … according to the police report, he was drunk, as if the picture didn’t give that away, and then he tried to just leave the area.

I understand than some people don’t make the best life choices while being intoxicated, but leaving your car, with your license plate on it, parked down a set of stairs outside what is probably UTM’s busiest building? C’mon man.

I don’t intend to call Anthony out, we’ve all been there. Well, maybe not there, but we’ve all done things that we aren’t necessarily proud of in our days.

I want to open the floor to the students of UTM to share some of your embarrassing stories.

What’s the craziest, or most embarrassing, thing that has happened to you during your time at UTM?

Feel free to comment anonymously. Just keep it somewhat clean, but true. voiceitlogo

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