UTM students and faculty of all majors and community members are invited to take part in a study of fashion and art in some of the world’s most famous museums in the fashion capital of the world through the UTM Paris Travel Study during Spring Break 2014.
“Any international travel study gives you a totally different perspective of the world and how people live in other parts of the world and their history, especially Paris where they speak a different language,” said Dr. Sue Byrd, professor of fashion and textiles, who is leading the trip.
The tour will be taken throughout Spring Break, March 1-8. Sites that will be visited include the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, Orsay Museum, Versailles Palace, Designer Fashion Boutiques and Fashion Shows, Notre Dame Cathedral and much more.
“You could spend days in the Louvre and not ever see all of the artwork that is historic from all over the world. All the experiences you could have, especially in Paris, the sights and the sounds, in addition to learning, there’s so much to learn from the artwork, the fashions and the people. It makes it really exciting to go,” said Dr. Byrd.
The approximate cost for the trip is $3100 and covers airfare, ground transportation and hotel costs. Students without a passport are required to apply for one. Travel Study applications must be turned in to the Center for International Education by no later than Oct. 16.
Interested students can sign up for either Fine Arts 467 or Fashion Merchandising 309 in the spring semester. The cut off date for deposits for both the first payment of $500 and the SGA Scholarship Application are due no later by Oct. 24. The second and third payments of $1000 are due by Dec. 2 and Jan. 14, respectfully.
For more information, contact Dr. Sue Byrd, professor of fashion and textiles, at sbyrd@utm.edu; David McBeth, professor of visual and theatre arts at dmcbeth@utm.edu or the Center for International Education at 901-281-9758.