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HomeNewsCampus & LocalUTM student airlifted to Nashville hospital

UTM student airlifted to Nashville hospital

Jacob Franklin, UTM student, injured in Sunday crash. Photo courtesy of Facebook.
Jacob Franklin, UTM student, was injured in a car crash, Sunday, Oct. 13. (Photo Courtesy/Facebook)

A UTM student was airlifted to a Nashville hospital earlier today after a one-vehicle accident in Coffee County northeast of Manchester, Tenn.

Jacob A. Franklin, 18, a freshman Ag Business major from Manchester, was driving a red 1998 Ford pickup south on Woodbury Highway (Highway 53) when the accident occurred near the intersection of 53 and Houston Bell Road.

According to a report from WMSR Thunder Radio in Manchester (, Franklin was injured in the 8:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 13, crash and a passenger, Cole M. Sons, 18, also of Manchester, was killed after being thrown from the truck. A Tennessee Highway Patrol report shows that Franklin may have fallen asleep at the wheel. The truck left the road on the left hand side, hit a culvert and rolled over.

Franklin’s condition has not been confirmed.

The Pacer will update this story as information is received.

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