A UTM student was airlifted to a Nashville hospital earlier today after a one-vehicle accident in Coffee County northeast of Manchester, Tenn.
Jacob A. Franklin, 18, a freshman Ag Business major from Manchester, was driving a red 1998 Ford pickup south on Woodbury Highway (Highway 53) when the accident occurred near the intersection of 53 and Houston Bell Road.
According to a report from WMSR Thunder Radio in Manchester (www.thunder1320.com), Franklin was injured in the 8:30 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 13, crash and a passenger, Cole M. Sons, 18, also of Manchester, was killed after being thrown from the truck. A Tennessee Highway Patrol report shows that Franklin may have fallen asleep at the wheel. The truck left the road on the left hand side, hit a culvert and rolled over.
Franklin’s condition has not been confirmed.
The Pacer will update this story as information is received.