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HomeViewpointsColumnsColumn: Tips and tricks for successful internships

Column: Tips and tricks for successful internships

Internships can be a difficult learning experience, a fun work environment or a disappointing experience.

Finding the perfect internship may not happen immediately, and it may not be the first choice for some. My internship took place at Everett-Stewart Regional Airport, and I enjoyed it very much and learned a lot. It was my first choice, and I feel lucky to be placed in such a good work environment.

Others are not so lucky and struggle to find a place they enjoy working at. If the place is not the fit you dreamed of, try another place at the end of that internship. You can do more than just one internship.

A few tips I will give are:

• Do not be afraid to take the place you are not sure about; hard work beats talent any day, so keep trying.

• Do not expect to be paid – money is just a bonus on top of the learning experience.

• Remain positive and try hard. Show them your best work and it just might turn out to be a full-time career after college.

My friend Will Pitts, who graduated in 2021, always says, “If you are going to do something, do it right.”

Internships are about showing your strengths, so do not be afraid to flex your abilities when given the chance. Show what you can do and try to impress at any given chance.

If the internship is not working out, say something to your boss and try to change the situation. Do not just quit. Show you are a team player and finish all the tasks you are given. Quitting does not help you learn and it will just set you back.

Remember, always keep your head up and wear a smile even if it’s a fake one. Show your abilities and that you are not afraid to try new things.

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