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HomeUncategorizedThe why of UT Martin’s Women’s Basketball

The why of UT Martin’s Women’s Basketball

The UT Martin sports website has a roster for all teams at the school. When we want to learn more about a player, we click their picture, and we can see a player bio. The bio is quite simple: experience, name, family and past school. Yet, what that bio does not cover is the reason they play the sport they play: their why. 

Now that the season has come to a close, below is a deeper dive into why some of the players on the Men’s Basketball team play. 

#34 Holly Forbes’s Why: 

“I play basketball for multiple reasons. The first is because I fell in love with it when I was in middle school and have been ever since. The second is for all the people who believed in me and helped me to live out my dreams. I think of them often when I’m about to play. The last, and definitely the most important reason to why I play, is my brothers. Both of them push me in different ways to be my best. I see them pushing themselves every day to reach their goals, and it drives me even more to reach mine. My older brother, Drew, plays football professionally. He has shown me to not listen to anyone that doubts you and go for your goals. My younger brother, Brett, has spina bifida, which means he is paralyzed from the waste down. This has never stopped him from living out his dreams. He plays wheelchair basketball, does para powerlifting and won state in track. He has never let anything hold him back from being great, and he pushes me to do the same. He has all the excuses in the world but has never complained once. He works his hardest in everything he does and shows me what hard work truly looks like. How can I not give it my all when I see him? He’s my biggest ‘why.’”

#32 Gabi Melby’s Why: 

“Growing up, I’ve always had an interest in basketball. As a child, my family was very active in athletics and supported my decision to play basketball. My dad played his whole life and ended up training/coaching me throughout my basketball career. He is the biggest reason as to why I play basketball. Everything I have achieved and all my success in this sport is because of him. I owe it all to my dad and am very thankful for introducing me to the game that I love!”

#31 Kyannah Grant’s Why: 

“There are many reasons why I play basketball. It taught me life lessons, paid for my school and gave me lifelong friendships. However, there is one reason why basketball is very precious to me. As a Native American, I play basketball to show other little Native American kids they can follow their dreams and achieve whatever they set their mind to. No obstacle can stop them, and I want to show all the little ones it is okay to dream big. They are my reasons why. I hope to be a significant role model for them as they tackle life.” 

#11 Shae Littleford’s Why:

I play basketball because I truly love the game. The competition, the teamwork and the hard work drive my love for it. Having the opportunity to pursue the game in college has always been a goal of mine that I was able to accomplish, but it was never the reason behind why I play. Basketball has always been an escape for me that grew and grew, and it became more than a game. The opportunities that I have been able to experience, the friendships I have acquired and the places basketball has taken me are one of a kind, but the reason I play is because I love the game.”

#2 Ella Thompson’s Why: 

“I play basketball because I enjoy being a part of something bigger than myself. I love the opportunities, experiences and friendships the game brings me. I love the game itself, the pressure, the feeling of my hard work paying off and the accomplishments that come with it.” 


These women play for a reason, but each of their reasons are unique to them. The “why” is what drives players to compete. The “why” makes them more than just a jersey number. The “why” is what separates players from each other, but what brings everyone together is to play for something greater.

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