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HomeArts & EntertainmentThe end of an era

The end of an era

Star Wars Epidsode IX: The Rise of Skywalker will end the story of the beloved characters from the original trilogy and welcome in the new era of Star Wars.

Many fans have made speculations on what will happen in Episode IX. Many of the actors and director have given hints about the film.

Here are some of my favorite theories and hints along with what we know so far.

Daisy Ridley who plays Rey describes the film as, “a more measured, adult approach to the Star Wars journey” according to

We will get to see an in-depth look into Poe’s past, Finn’s complete allegiance to the resistance, and Rey’s journey as a Force user.

The article also stated, from Ridley, that we will get to see more exploration of the connection between Rey and Kylo Ren/Ben Solo (which this girl is extremely excited about). I do not necessarily want a love story out of these two, but I am very curious about their connection.

One popular theory circulating the internet is that the title The Rise of Skywalker refers to a new order of Force users.

Luke, in The Last Jedi states that the Jedi are no more. Some fans theorize that in this film, the Jedi and the Sith will be replaced with a new order called the Skywalker. The Skywalker will embody both the Jedi and the Sith just like the family personally had in the past.

This theory is particularly interesting when you put into the equation that in The Last Jedi Kylo killed Emperor Snoke and asked Rey to join him in a world where there was no Jedi or First Order.

I like this theory because it rejects the black and white nature of good and evil. It rejects the separation of people and brings them together. Things have obviously not turned out well under the old system so it may be time to bring in a new one.

In the D23 Expo trailer, Rey is seen holding a new lightsaber. It is red and flips out into a lightsaber that resembles Darth Maul’s. Many are questioning if Rey will become Sith, if this is a vision, or if this is a clone of Rey. This adds further proof, in my opinion, to the above mentioned theory.

One big question that fans were left with after The Last Jedi is what Lucasfilm planned to do with General Leia. Carrie Fisher had not filmed anything for Episode IX before her death in 2016. The decision was made to use unused footage from the previous two films to bring Leia back for the last film.

I find comfort in the fact that Lucasfilms is using actual footage of Fisher. I hope that Episode IX honors Fisher’s memory and is something that would make her proud.

Along with Leia, fans are questioning where Luke will fit in with Episode IX. Mark Hamill’s voice is heard in the trailer speaking. This leads some to believe he will come back as a Force ghost much like Obi Wan in the Star Wars sequels.

Another original character returning to the saga is Lando Calrission. He is seen flying the Millennium Falcon along with Chewbacca. Billy Dee Williams has come back to portray Calrission. There is no known reason or theories as to why Lando is back, but I know it will be a treat for the OG Star Wars fans.

Perhaps the biggest reveal from the trailer is Emperor Palpatine’s laugh at the end of the trailer. The original trilogy seemingly shows Palpatine being killed. Fans wonder if he is really alive or going to be a Force ghost. This revelation brings an interesting arc to the final film that I am excited to see.

Lastly, the big question I have is, what’s going to happen with Kylo? Kylo is the new leader of the First Order. Fans are questioning what the differences in the First Order will be under Kylo’s leadership.

With his rejection and struggle with the Light and Dark side, I am very intrigued to see where the film takes him. My hope is that Kylo stays with the Dark side. I’m not a huge sucker for the cheesy redemption stories.

All in all I am super excited for The Rise of Skywalker. I cannot wait to watch the end of the saga with my mother, who watched the original films in theaters. To be able to watch the wrap up of the end of an era with someone who enjoyed the films as a child is such a special treat.

Photo Credit / Star Wars

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Emily Wilson
Emily Wilson
Junior at the University of Tennessee at Martin. Public Relations major with a Political Science minor.

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