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Malorie Paine: Can’t even believe the end is here

I can’t believe the time has come for me to write my senior farewell.

Five years flew by for me. So much has happened in the last five years that wouldn’t have been possible without UTM. Now, I can’t lie and say that I didn’t consider leaving UTM. There were several semesters where I found out all I had to do to transfer to the University of Memphis, but I’m beyond thankful that I never went through with it.

UTM has paved a road for me that I’m not sure any other university could have done. I have never been simply a number at UTM.  Thank you for that, UTM.

Before I start my individual shout outs, I just want to share a couple of things I heard recently. I had the honor of hearing Van Jones speak at the Department of Communications banquet on April 14, and he told us that UTM can take you anywhere that you want to go. I’ve already seen this to be the case. Jones also said another important thing I wanted to share.

“It does not matter how low down you start, only two things matter: How strong is your springboard and how hard do you hit it,” Jones said.

My hope is that every person who graduates from UTM will realize how strong his or her springboard actually is.

Forgive me; I have a lot of people who I need to thank.

First, I want to say thank you to my mom. You have been my biggest supporter not just throughout the past five years, but also for the past 22 years. You pushed me to become the best version of myself that I can be. While I haven’t always listened to your advice, you have always had my best interest in mind. I know that no matter where my road may lead, you’ll always be there rooting for me to succeed. I couldn’t have made it this far without you.

To my sister, Carlie, you have been my best friend for my entire life. Thank you for our eternal competition. Thanks for always being by my side, even when we hate each other. You’ll always be my best friend. Thanks for always being my travel buddy, no matter what crazy place I have to go to.

This next thank you goes to the woman who has guided me into the “newshound” I am today. In two years, you have taught me more than I learned in the entire five years at UTM. Tomi McCutchen Parrish, it is because of you that I know what I want to do for the rest of my life. Thank you for allowing me to work at The Pacer. Thank you for letting me call you at 3 a.m. when news broke, and I didn’t know what to do. Thank you for not just being The Pacer adviser to me, but for being so much more than you had to be. Thank you for being my go-to person to answer any question I have had. Also, I’m not sure there’s another person who would have been in the office with us all night making sure the pages were completed and sent off on time.  I’m going to miss walking into your office and talking about life, news and every thing else under the sun.

This one goes to the person who has literally been my right-hand person for two years, her desk is to my right in case you were wondering just how literal. Alex Jacobi, I couldn’t have survived these past two years without you. From the all-nighters to the tears of frustration, I couldn’t imagine having gone through it all with anyone else. Thank you for putting up with my attitude, I know I can be a lot to handle sometimes. You’ve made me a better person.  There’s not enough space to say all the things that I want to say. I know you are going to do amazingly well at the University of Missouri, and I can’t wait to hear about all the awesome things you are going to get to do.

To the rest of my Pacer staff, I want to thank you all for working your tails off this year. I couldn’t have imagined a better group of people to end my time at UTM with than every single one of you. For those of you graduating, we made it guys. You’re all so impressive, and I know you are going to have bright futures ahead of you, no matter where you end up. To those of you who who will be returning in the fall, I know you will carry on The Pacer legacy. I can’t wait to hear about all the awards you guys are going to win next year. You’re all very talented, and it shows in everything you do. Don’t forget to “seek truth and report it” … no matter how unpopular it may be.

To Josh Lemons, I don’t even know where to begin to say thank you. I can’t say it enough, that’s for sure. You’ve talked me off the ledge several times, not literally of course. When I’ve been ready to quit The Pacer, you’ve talked me through it and made me realize that I was meant to be there. If it weren’t for you telling me to send in my résumé, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to write for The Jackson Sun. I will never be able to thank you enough for believing in me and helping me so much. I’m thankful for our friendship and for your never-ending guidance. You’re awesome.

To the Department of Agriculture, I wouldn’t have chosen UTM if it hadn’t been for the incredible Ag Department. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for providing me with a top-tier education. I’ve been able to grow as a person and a leader because of all the opportunities that the department has provided me with. I honestly couldn’t think of a better place to have attained my degree. I will forever be a proud alumna.

To the Department of Communications, I’m not even one of your students, and you have made me feel at home for the last two years. Thank you for being my springboard. I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to write for USA Today this semester if it hadn’t been for the foundation this department gave me. I owe so much to a department that I’m not even under. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms and allowing me to discover my true calling, which is covering news.

This one goes out to all the UTM students, thank you for allowing me to be your voice for the past two years. While some of it has been controversial, it’s been an honor to represent you. Thank you for all the crazy news you have provided me with too. I’ve really appreciated the opportunity to learn so much. I mean this in the sincerest way, without you there would be no news. So, thank you for that.

And of course, I couldn’t have a senior farewell without a shout out to Chancellor Rakes. I think I’m the only one who can ever say that I got pulled over on campus by the chancellor. So, thank you for that. Seriously, that was a top-five moment in my UTM career. I promise you that I won’t speed down the sidewalks delivering this last issue of The Pacer. You can count on it.

Five years, several hundred sleepless nights and more memories than I can possibly recall, UTM has become home to me. I hope this university becomes to every UTM student what it has been for me. I’ll miss you Martin. Stay classy, UTM.

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