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The sun is rising on UTM

In preparation for the start of the new academic year, Chancellor Keith Carver hosted the 2018 fall faculty meeting Tuesday, Aug. 21, in Watkins Auditorium.

After the introduction of 27 new faculty and staff members, Carver spoke to the room. He addressed his goals for the academic year and discussed the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

The Strategic Plan was approved by the Board of Trustees (BOT) in June and upon its implementation five new task forces will be created to evaluate each step of the process.

In June, the BOT also approved the adoption of the new mission statement: “The University of Tennessee at Martin educates and engages responsible citizens to lead and serve in a diverse world.”

During his presentation, Carver said, “What I like about this statement [is] when you look at our sister institutions… we are the only institution that talks about educating our students, and I am proud of that.” Carver also says that preparing students for life after graduation is the hallmark of UTM.

As is typical for fall faculty meetings, Carver also addressed enrollment for the new year. After a seven-year enrollment decline, UTM will experience an enrollment increase for the fall of 2018, seeing as many as 1,150 new full-time freshman. Retention rates are also at a record high of 76.1 percent for freshmen to sophomore students.

UTM is continuing its aggressive recruitment across all 95 counties of Tennessee and out-of-state students within a 250-mile radius from the campus. Every high school sophomore, who meets the standards set by the university, has heard from a UTM recruiter before beginning their junior year.

Out-of-state tuition has remained lower than many of the surrounding state’s colleges making UTM more attractive and affordable.

While there is a large influx of first-time freshmen, transfer student rates are declining not only at UTM, but also throughout the entire state. It is also calculated that there will be a six percent decrease in Tennessee high school graduates over the next decade.

UTM has begun targeting students who have partial degrees or some college hours earned, as well as veterans. Carver emphasized the importance of working with the military to “make this a place where veterans and students want to come and continue their education.”

“We have created a special place for students,” Carver said. “We know we have areas to improve and we are working on them.”

One area that Carver is addressing is the Office of Multicultural Affairs. He hopes to help create a greater sense of belonging for minority students at UTM. He is also beginning the search for new leadership in Multicultural Affairs as well as a director of the new centralized Office of Research, Outreach and Development.

Carver announced that a new advisory board for UTM has been created, but the members of the board have not yet been announced to the public.

This was the first opportunity for many of the faculty and staff to meet new Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Provost, Philip Cavalier. Cavalier expressed his excitement for the year and even shared a personal story in which he recalls breaking a marble table by accident due to nerves.

“As long as I’m not breaking a table in front of you, I’m doing okay,” Cavalier said about his new role at UTM.

The dynamic between Carver and Cavalier is one that should encourage faculty and students that their administration is passionate about this institution and its inhabitants, because their personalities complement each other in unique ways that are sure to lead to a brighter future at UTM.

“For those of you who know me, you know that I love mornings and even beyond that, I really love sunrises,” Carver said.

“I don’t know what sunrises mean to you; but for me, they stand for hope, renewal and also illumination: bringing light to the Earth. The sun is rising on the new academic year… It’s time to go back to work.”

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