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Step Show ends Greek festivities

To conclude Greek Fest activities, Step Show was held Friday Feb. 15, at 7 p.m.

Chi Omega took overall best in show as well as first place in the sorority division.  The brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha won first in the fraternity division.  Receiving second place in sorority was Alpha Omicron Pi and Alpha Tau Omega in the fraternity division.

The evening commenced with a greeting for Chancellor Rakes. Rakes thanked everyone for coming out to the event and informed the audience of the importance of going Greek. He told explained some of the Greek community’s high achievements on campus. The hosts for the evening were Kate Southerland, Ashley Grimes and Lee French. Southerland is a member of Alpha Delta Pi, Grimes is a member of Chi Omega and French is a member of Sigma Chi.

The competition portion of the evening began with the fraternity division.  The brothers of Kappa Alpha Order were the first to compete in the fraternity division.  The men were dressed as werewolves. Throughout their performance, the men made it known they had won the last two years and intended on winning again.

The next fraternity to compete was Sigma Phi Epsilon. The Sig Ep men’s theme was “party rockers.” They were dressed in 80’s style clothing with many neon colors. Several of the men wore light-up glasses while others wore black-rimmed glasses.

The brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon competed after Sig-Ep. This was the first time SAE had participated in a couple years. The men returned this year with a zombie theme. They began with two patients in a hospital being the only survivors and then the zombies came onto the floor.  The brothers of SAE made it known to the crowd that they had been absent from the competition in the past, but they were back and planned on competing year after year.

Pi Kappa Alpha competed next in the competition; they opened with each person stepping inside a frame. The men performed under black lights they had set up around the stage. They were dressed in solid white. Their performance earned the fraternity first place in their division.

Following the brothers of Pike, the Sigma Chi fraternity competed. Sigma Chi’s theme was from the movie “300.” Throughout the performance, they had several voice recordings from the movie play over the speakers. The men were dressed in what appeared to be their rendition of Spartan costumes.

To conclude the fraternity portion of the evening, the brothers of Alpha Tau Omega took the floor. The brother of ATO’s theme was the stomping dead. They were dressed as zombies.  Because of their performance, the brothers of ATO received second place in the fraternity division.

During the break between the fraternity and sorority divisions, the students from Up til’ Dawn came and thanked the Greek community for their participation in the event last fall.  Chi Omega and Alpha Tau Omega were awarded plaques for sending the most letters out during the fall. UTM raised $39,097 for St. Jude. Because of the amount raised, UTM was in the top 25 donated schools.

To kick-off the sorority division of the night, Alpha Delta Pi competed first. Their theme was Circque de Soleil. The women were dressed in blue and white striped skin suits with high heels. They opened their scene with one of their women on top the backdrop.  The women had blue swans painted around their eyes.

After the sisters of ADPi, the sisters of Alpha Omicron Pi competed.  The women of AOPi competed as if they were patients in an insane asylum. The women were able to maintain a deranged look throughout their entire performance. In the middle of their performance, one of the steppers stopped what she was doing and just stood there. It appeared as though she had forgotten the routine. She was able to regain composure and continue the performance.  Overall, the women’s performance gave allowed them to place second in their division.

The sister’s of Zeta Tau Alpha competed following AOPi. The ladies opened their routine with a woman dressed as a genie seemingly floating in the air. The women were dressed in black. The ladies backdrop looked like something from Aladdin.

To end the competition, the ladies of Chi Omega were the last to compete. The ladies were dressed as firefighters; their backdrop was painted to look like the front of an engine house. During the routine, four girls lifted another girl up into the air on a piece of plywood. She then stepped the routine on top of the plywood. The Chi Omegas received first place for their division as well as overall Best in Show.

After the Step Show awards had been given out, the overall Greek Week winners were also announced. Chi Omega won the sorority division while Sigma Chi received the trophy in the fraternity division. Also, during the Step Show, Bethany Scott was recognized. Scott is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi and was one of the benefiters from the 2013 Greek Week.

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