Wednesday, March 12, 2025
HomeViewpointsColumnsSimple steps to strengthen a budding relationship

Simple steps to strengthen a budding relationship

Dating is a topic that has many viewpoints and opinions. Some relationships may be similar, but they are never 100 percent the same.

For this reason, advice can be given but, ultimately, the decision is up to you. No two relationships are identical. What may work for one couple, may be the opposite of what another couple needs. There is nothing wrong with listening to what someone has to say when it comes to relationship advice, but realize that it may not be for you.

At the end of the day, no one knows your relationship like you do. The advice ofĀ  someone outside of your relationship shouldnā€™t dictate what happens. Regardless of the relationship, there are a few rules that undoubtedly will make the process of dating easier.

Communication is the most important thing. We constantly hear how important communication is, but do we really listen? When your significant other upsets you, do you tell them how you feel or do you hold it in and let the problem persist? Say something.

Remember, people only do what you allow them to do. If you are offended by what your other half is doing, it isnā€™t fair to you or the relationship to silently accept whatā€™s happening. It is key to stop a problematic situation when it first occurs.

Some people say, ā€œWeā€™re in a relationship together. You should know what bothers me.ā€ This is true. As you grow with someone, you should know what his or her buttons are but they will only know by communication.

Respect is a strong word but an even stronger action. When you are in a relationship, respect your partner. Part of respect comes from compromising. In a relationship, lifestyle changes have to occur. For example, if your other half does not care for you hanging out all night with your friends, you should respect their wishes.

Respecting what your partner wants is important but does not mean you have to give in to everything. Some nights, you are going to be with your friends, as you should. Just as you respected your partnerā€™s wishes, they should respect yours and allow you to have a relationship with your friends also.

Hangouts with the opposite sex should decrease, especially when it’s a one-on-one setting. These do not have to stop completely but should at all times remain respectable. Out of respect for your relationship, you shouldnā€™t do anything to make your other half suspicious. This may not be a big issue for you, but for many, it is.

Of course, every relationship varies and that is why communication is essential. You should always know where your other half stands about situations. If you have no clue what to do in relationships, the best advice is to ā€œtreat others how you want to be treated.ā€ Whether in a relationship or not, the Golden Rule is something that never will get old.

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