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HomeNewsCampus & LocalSGA meeting highlights: February 25, 2016

SGA meeting highlights: February 25, 2016

The Student Government Association held its third Senate meeting of the semester on Thursday, February 25 at 9 p.m.

The main topic of discussion for the night was the pending approval of the “Soar in Four” resolution, previously referred to as the “15 in 4” resolution.

A vote was called to determine whether the transition to the approval of this legislation should be passed. No questions were asked on the legislation, and the motion to advance to the next phase of the process was approved.

The floor was then opened for debate where various arguments were presented ranging both for and against the legislation. One argument was posed against the approval of the legislation, saying that the passing of the legislation would discourage people from taking internships due to a heavier class load. One opponent of the legislation said that engineering, nursing, and other students with heavily involved majors would have a difficult time trying to pull off 15 credit hours in hard sciences. Meanwhile, an argument in favor of the approval for the legislation stated that the small tuition increase could be applied to programs which need extra funding to expand.

One of the other arguments in favor of passing the resolution was that the encouragement of 15 credit hours per semester would help increase the number of students graduating in four years, while simultaneously decreasing the number of students requiring six or more years to graduate.

After much continued debate, a motion was made by John Domanski to move to the previous question. The motion was forwarded, seconded and passed. A hand raise vote was conducted, and the resolution was passed by the Senate with a vote of 11 yea to 7 nay, with one abstention.

The resolution will now move to the Board of Trustees for approval.

Other highlights from the meeting:

  • During the executive reports section of the meeting, Vice President, Josh Diltz announced that the Student Government Association would host a voter registration drive in the University Center on Wednesday, March 2, from 11am-2pm.
  • Joe Nelson reported for the Communications Committee, saying that they would like to try to incorporate the SGA Instagram and Periscope accounts to help students stay up to date of events through social media.
  • Student affairs chair Hailey Williford expressed the desire to add blue lights to the emergency phones around campus. She also moved a suggestion for coffee in the business building to the Campus Observations committee.
  • An act was tabled to Amend the SGA constitution Article IV Section V.
  • Amendments Article IV sections 20-25 were also tabled.
  • Holly Seng was appointed as a senator, representing the College of Humanities and Fine Arts.
  • The resignations of senators Lauren Maddox and Meredith Brown were read and accepted.
  • Ashten Sawyers was appointed to the Freshman Council.
  • The membership for the Elections Commission, submitted by Elections Commissioner Spencer Atkins, was approved. The Elections Comission consists of Logan Callis, Jarred Presson, Sarah Miller, Samuel Webb, Justin Webb and Benjamine Kendall.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:46 p.m.

SGA Senate meetings are held every other Thursday in the University Center’s Legislative Chamber, Room 111. Any questions can be directed to SGA President, Rachael Wolters, racwolt@ut.utm.edu.

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Rachel Moore
Rachel Moore
I like strong coffee and breaking the news. UTM Communications Major, Graduating May 2019.


  1. Thank you for the correction. We are taking steps to make sure all of our information is accurate and that titles and positions are understood to the best of our ability. Thank you for your help!

  2. Correction to your article: John Domanski is the Attorney General and is not able to make motions in Senate. He entertained a motion which was carried by a senator, seconded, and then voted on.

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