The Student Government Association held its second senate meeting of the semester on Tuesday, Feb. 7 at 9 p.m.
Though SGA members officially met new chancellor, Dr. Keith Carver, on the last meeting of the fall semester via Skype call. They had the opportunity to share the chambers with him this Tuesday night.
Carver spoke about the importance of the ongoing Student Experience Survey and encouraged students to get engaged through their survey and involvement with SGA. He also expressed joy about returning to a position that allows him to interact with students more. Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Margaret Toston also spoke to the assembly. She underlined the importance of utilizing the resources presented by the Career Planning and Development Center, more commonly known as the “CPAD.”
As committees reported on their recent meetings, it was addressed that the Communications Committee is planning a campus outreach day, which is tentatively scheduled for the Feb. 25 basketball game. The Multicultural Affairs Committee also addressed the upcoming Civil Rights Conference and the continued advocacy for a multicultural center on campus. Student trustee Miranda Rutan gave a report during the committees’ section, which informed students of a new state rollout connected to the TN Reconnect program that ensures TN Promise benefits to adults as well as high school graduates.
Senate Resolution 6508 was passed in the new business portion of the meeting. The resolution, introduced by Austin Avallone, student affairs committee chairman, suggested the addition of emergency contact numbers to the back of Skyhawk cards beginning with the 2017-2018 school year. This addition could include the numbers for the sexual assault hotline, the suicide prevention hotline, the student health center, public safety and the Weakley County Sheriff’s Office. After the question and debate portion, the resolution passed. However, resolutions do not create a call to action, but serve as a formal statement of the Student Government’s opinion.
Other new items of business included the appointment of Daniel Jones as chairman of the Academic Affairs Committee; appointment of Peyton Cornett and James Fogg to Freshmen Council member; and resignations of Maddie Nelson, Miranda Howard, Ashley Taylor, Demonta Daniel and Laura Laine Baker were accepted. As a result there are now openings for an athletic liaison, seven openings in senator-at-large positions, and four openings for senators within the college of Health, Education and Behavioral Sciences.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:47 p.m. Every student is a member of SGA and is encouraged to attend senate meetings. The next senate meeting is scheduled for Feb. 23 in the University Center’s Legislative Chamber, Room 111. Questions can be directed to student body president, Joshua Diltz at
Chancellor Dr. Keith Carver sat in on his first SGA meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 7. He is pictured with (from left to right) SGA President Josh Diltz, Secretary General Marabeth Kennedy and Vice President Ryan Leatherbarrow. (Pacer Photo/Rachel Moore)