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HomeNewsCampus & LocalSexual harassment awareness month

Sexual harassment awareness month

The Wo/Men’s Resource and Rape Assistance Program (WRAP), a nonprofit organization, will partner with local organizations in West Tennessee to celebrate survivors of sexual assault during April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

WRAP covers 19 counties in West Tennessee and advocates the support of sexual assault victims.

Throughout the month of April, there will be campus-wide events surrounding sexual assault awareness. These events were created to encourage students to become more educated about sexual assault and join a bigger discussion.

There will be a series of events on campus throughout the month of April. One of these events will be a showing of the film Hunting Ground which will be held on April 1, and will be followed by a panel discussion.

On April 16, Cooper Hall will host an art exhibit surrounding the illumination of West Tennessee, and a sexual assault awareness bingo night.

In the campus recreation center on April 17, there will be “Gloga”, black light yoga.

The final event of the month is National Denim Day and a walk with UTM Chancellor Dr. Keith Carver.

Denim has become a symbol of protest against discriminatory attitudes and perception about sexual harassment, abuse, assault and rape.  

There are many obstacles survivors face concerning confession and seeking help. WRAP’s mission is to invoke a conversation of growth, positive change and movement regarding health even when faced with difficulty.

With appropriate resources and support provided by WRAP, survivors of sexual violence are equipped with the tools to overcome intense trauma and find healing and restoration.

According to Executive Director Daryl Chansuthus, at least half of all survivors will experience long-term symptoms of post-traumatic stress.

“The effects don’t end with the person who has been victimized,” Chansuthus said. “The climate of violence and [the] fear sexual violence engenders tears at the fabric of community well-being.”

WRAP’s Sexual Assault Program Manager, Mara White said, “We need to recognize that sexual violence is not a women’s issue; it’s not a men’s issue. It’s a community issue.”

To find out more about WRAP and the events being held, visit

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