Tuesday, October 1, 2024
HomeViewpointsEditorialsSenior Farewell: Payton Frimel

Senior Farewell: Payton Frimel

Joining The Pacer was a “spur of the moment” ordeal for me. My junior year, I worked in the UT Martin Music office as a student worker and my mentor, professor and good friend Micah Barnes, knowing I enjoyed writing, told me I should reach out to Ms. Tomi McCutchen and ask about joining the university newspaper.

At this point in my life, I was in a very confusing and stressful time. Being a full-time music student, knowing I did not want to go into teaching or performing after graduation, made me feel like I was working so hard with no end goal in mind.

After I reached out, Ms. Tomi told me to come to the next meeting. The first meeting, I wrote a feature story about the marching band. I remember exactly how I felt writing that story. Writing about music set my soul on fire. I quickly realized how much I enjoyed writing and informing people, especially about fine arts and entertainment. 

That entire first semester, I spent my free time writing constantly. Attending events and interviewing people felt so right to me. I finally felt like I had found my niche- music journalism. 

The Pacer quickly became a safe place for me to express myself and my interests that would have otherwise been completely overlooked. Music school was such a stressful learning environment for me. I continuously found myself questioning why I was pursuing music and if it was worth the stress it had put me under. The Pacer made me feel at home and understood, despite how little I understood myself sometimes. 

I also want to add how warm and inviting Ms. Tomi and The Pacer were and have been to me since the beginning. We have such a great group of writers, designers, photographers and people here. I am forever grateful that everyone took in the stressed out, extremely busy music major with open arms. 

Thank you to Ms. Tomi for seeing my talent and always encouraging me to aim for the stars and work hard. Thank you for always encouraging me and being a light of wisdom, skill and personality. 

Thank you to Dr. Liz Aleksander and Dr. John Oelrich of the Music Department. I am forever grateful for the endless support, encouragement and opportunities you two have given me. 

Thank you to Micah Barnes, my mentor, who brought me out of my comfort zone and always believed in me. Thank you for all of the random philosophical talks, storytimes and life advice; I am forever changed because of the people who have believed in me. I will miss all of my UT Martin music family very much. 

I also must mention my family and friends. Thank you for allowing me to be myself and navigate the real world and loving me no matter the circumstances. Thank you for the spontaneity and entertainment throughout the years. You all have never failed to make me feel heard, understood and supported. 

Writing has always been my out in times of tension and difficulty. Thoughts being put into words helps me rationalize and assess situations. Music has also been a big part of my life since the beginning. I am grateful for the opportunity to use both in my personal and professional life. 

I will forever be grateful for my time at The Pacer and the valuable lessons I have learned since becoming a part of the family. I am forever in debt for the professional development and personal growth that I have experienced here. I am so excited and eager for the next chapter in my life. Payton Frimel, signing off!

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