I was nervous when I joined The Pacer. I was going back to school after several years to finally finish undergrad. I thought joining would help me stay connected with the school and give me a reason to go to campus even though my classes were all online. Would it be weird that this guy with greying hair was working with a bunch of kids a decade or more his junior?
I’m happy to say I enjoyed my work here. In fact, I regret I wasn’t always able to be more active in the paper; often having to deal with my day job, classes, leaky roofs and unexpected travel first. I didn’t expect to be asked to take on the role of website editor, a position I was able to handle well from my home and one I was well equipped for from my career.
I’m very proud of the work the staff produced during my time here. I was often inspired by the zeal displayed in staff meetings, both concerning major issues and personal passions. It’s heartening to be around young people who give a damn. Good journalism isn’t easy, but under the steadfast guidance of the The Pacer’s wonderful adviser, Tomi McCutchen, the staff has put together quality issues and online stories they should be most proud of. I’m confident The Pacer will continue to be excellent. I have no doubt the many talented people I’ve gotten to know here will go on to greater heights.
I would like to thank UT Martin for making finishing school far more painless than I’d have imagined and Mrs. Tomi, my advisor Melanie Morris and Dr. Angie Glunz for their assistance with grad school applications. I’d also like to thank the staff for keeping me young just a bit longer.