Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeViewpointsEditorialsSenior farewell: Jasmine Brooks

Senior farewell: Jasmine Brooks

Martin has been my home for the last four years of my life and it hurts me so much to have to leave. Martin is the place where I fell in love, met my best friend, got my heart broken, made more great friends, gained lifetime sisters, created my own lane and most importantly, I set my dreams into actions!

I find comfort in UTM because it has always taken care of me. I have learned and grown so much since being here and I hope to carry with me all the lessons.

I remember being dragged to Preview Day by my mom and being disappointed because Martin wasnā€™t my first choice, but when I arrived and saw the beautiful Quad and met some great people, I knew I would graduate from here. From the students to the faculty, I love everything that is UTM.

When my mom passed in January 2012, I got so much love and support from my Martin family that I thanked God everyday for them. God not only gave me great people to experience this journey with me, he gave me a place to call home and better myself.

To my Pacer family, old and new, I donā€™t know where I would be without you guys. We truly are a family! We fight and disagree, but in the end we are always there for each other. I have honestly grown as a writer and person with the help of you all and I will never forget you guys.

As I look back down my path once taken, I look forward with joy and anticipation at what the future brings. I would like to thank my wonderful family and friends back home that never missed a moment to uplift, pray, encourage and protect me because God knows that without you all I would be nothing.

To my wonderful grandmother and aunt, you are my world and I know for sure I wouldnā€™t be the woman I am today without such great role models. Thank you. To my best friends, thank you for always being there to make me laugh and smile and even allowing me to cry, you all are my backbone.

Lastly, to my beautiful guardian angel, my mother Marsha Brooks, thank you for protecting me and guiding me even while youā€™re in Heaven. Everything, and I do mean everything, I do is for you. I only hope that I have made you proud and that I continue to make you smile from above. You are forever in our hearts.

As I end my senior farewell with tears in my eyes, the best thing that could sum up these four years is ā€œVeni, Vidi, Vici,ā€ I came, I saw, I conquered.

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