Sunday, March 30, 2025
HomeViewpointsEditorialsSenior Farewell: Evan Parkhill

Senior Farewell: Evan Parkhill

With graduation fast approaching and my time at UT Martin coming to an end, it is only necessary to reflect on the past four years and (thank those who have helped me along the way) how they’ve changed my life for the better. I would be lying if I said tears weren’t involved in manifesting this column.  

I started my journey in higher education across the state at UT Chattanooga in the fall of 2017 as an undecided major. My freshman year at UTC was an eye-opening experience that helped me prepare for all that was to come. I was blessed with some awesome roommates, took some very interesting gen ed classes and spent 90% of my spare time hiking trails and exploring the nearby mountains. Although I loved UTC, I found myself coming home most weekends to hunt and fish, and spend time with family and friends, so my sophomore year I decided to transfer closer to home where I could commute. 

Transferring to UT Martin from UTC as a sophomore, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life besides acquiring my bachelor’s degree. I first met with Dr. Robert Nanney a few weeks before classes began for advising and registration. Dr. Nanney, or “Papa Bear,” as he is referred to by Dylan, has become a godfather to my education throughout the years, and I would argue it is the same for all Communications majors.  

At one of my first Communications major meetings, I remember Mr. Freed emphasized how important being in one of the department’s organizations was, how they were in place to help us, and by the Spring semester, I had started working for The Pacer as a staff writer. I worked my way up through the ranks alongside Taylor Larson, from Co-News Editors to Co-Executive Editors. In the midst of learning the ropes, the pandemic hit and sent everyone home.

The next year and a half was a period of unprecedented changes for everyone and everything, including The Pacer. We stopped printing and moved entirely online, which was a bumpy transition, but we adapted and perfected the process. We’re currently working on rebuilding our website, and I can’t wait to see what my colleagues come up with.

Before the pandemic shut everything down in March, I was fortunate enough to travel to Hattiesburg, Mississippi, to compete in the 2020 Southeastern Journalism Conference. Although I didn’t place, it was a great experience I wouldn’t get the chance to replicate again, and I fostered friendships that would grow through the years.

A list of people I am grateful for could easily span this entire page, but I’ll try to keep it short and sweet. 

Rachel Moore, thank you for believing in me from the git-go; although I didn’t get to work alongside you and Daniel for very long, you guys made a lasting impression on me. 

Sarah Knapp, you showed me that you can find a job in this field right after graduation if you apply yourself. 

Emily Wilson, thank you for showing me the time of day and helping me grow as an up-and-coming Executive Editor. You, Sarah and Rachel have shown me that this degree can take you places. 

Taylor, thank you for helping me run this newspaper and showing me the way to be a true copy editor. To all of my old editors, thank you for leading by example; my only hope is to be as influential on future editors as you were to me. 

Toni, I know you will do a great job as Executive Editor next semester; I can’t wait to see where life takes you. I still remember Sarah telling you this as she was leaving her last meeting, and it deserves repeating.

Tomi, where do I begin? If it wasn’t for your kind personality, love and devotion to your staff and students, I doubt I’d be where I am today. You’ve taught me everything I know.

To all the up-and-coming writers and editors at The Pacer, thank you for all your

Covering stories for The Pacer has taken me to some incredible places, from pontoon boats to museum exhibits and playing mini golf. I have gotten to meet many people in the community and abroad in pursuit of journalistic excellence. I will miss the long layout nights, jovial discussions and corny jokes.

It’s kind of bittersweet to be graduating. I’m excited, a little sad and scared at the same time, but I feel confident having these experiences has prepared me for the next chapter in life. As I go out into the world and apply for jobs, my resume is thicker, my knowledge is greater and my heart is that much bigger than before, all thanks to The Pacer and the great people that make this organization special. 

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