Thursday, March 6, 2025
HomeViewpointsEditorialsSenior Farewell: Antonia Steele

Senior Farewell: Antonia Steele

I’ve spent years trying to think about how I would write this one, but I still haven’t figured it out.

Towards the end of every semester, when everyone else had to say goodbye to their time here, I’d think about what I would say when that time came: who I’d thank, what I’d say about my time at UT Martin, all of that good stuff. Despite all that, I’m still not sure how to say goodbye to what I’ve called home for four years.

Since the first time I came here, I knew that this small town was special and that I’d call it home eventually. Looking back, I should have known the same thing about this paper. 

Every time I visited campus, I managed to run into someone I’d grown up with. Sometimes she would be working a bake sale in the UC or in the class that I’d ambush for my department tour, but like clockwork, I’d always manage to run into her, and we’d stop and have a conversation or get a photo. Looking back, I think it was fate that I kept running into her considering the path I ended up taking.

Rachel, thank you for calling me over to the booth at the Org Fair and motivating me to come to that first meeting. I’m not really sure how my college experience would have been without being a part of The Pacer, and although I definitely could have joined later, I don’t think it would have been the same. I’m so happy to have worked with you for another year; your love for the people and the world around you always inspires me.

Even though I struggled through my first year of college, and with it, my work with The Pacer, I somehow was offered an editor position going into my sophomore year. I remember walking out of that meeting thinking that this could either go terribly wrong for me and everyone involved or that it would actually go pretty well. Thankfully, it was the latter.

I think I’m always going to be grateful for the experiences I had during my four years here. I’ll never forget watching Lil Dicky music videos while everyone else quoted the entire video, and I’ll never forget all of the weird conversations we had once we’d been laying out the newspaper a little too long. Most importantly though, I’ll never forget everyone that I’ve worked with on this paper. I’ve learned a little something from everyone and I’m thankful that we could share this short part of our lives.

Another part of my experience that I’m thankful for is that I have been able to connect with my coworkers and professors in a way that not only taught me to be a better writer and thinker, but a better person. 

Sarah, I was so excited to not only be able to work with you on The Pacer, but at University Relations as well. Knowing that you were going to be there when I interviewed for my internship made me 1000 times more confident, and your guidance helped me grow as a writer and take on stories I didn’t ever expect to write. You have such a kind soul, and I can’t wait to see where life takes you (like Alaska).

Ms. Tomi, I know it’s basically a cliche at this point, but you’re like a second mom to me. I’ve always loved hearing your stories, whether about something bonkers happening during the day or from days past. Your kindness and heart to help others makes me want to be a better person, and your devotion to the little details, to the mission of good, ethical journalism and to the magic of a headline with good wordplay is something that I’ll always carry with me.

Dr. Ogg, thank you for everything. You’ve always believed in me, even on days where I didn’t really believe in myself. Every course I’ve taken with you, I’ve taken something new away, whether it’s an interest in law I didn’t realize I had, the impact that the little things can have on a person’s life, or the knowledge that someone with a reserved personality like mine can succeed in public relations. Your approach to your work and your dedication to connecting with students inspires me every day, and I’m thankful to have met you and worked with you for two years of my college career. 

Bud, you’ve given me so many opportunities to hone my craft that I never would have expected coming into my internship. I’ve adored having the chance to learn more about the campus that I call home through the stories that we tell in the office as well as the ability to build connections with everyone involved. I hope when I’m in a leadership role in my own career, I hope I have the same impact on my employees that you have had on me.

To all of our lovely writers and designers: thank you again for everything that you do. I tell you this every time we print, but I’m always so proud of what you all put together. I can’t wait to see where you all take this paper in the coming semesters and years and what you all end up doing. At the end of the day, this paper happens because of your interest, your ideas and your hard work.

Finally, to my lovely roomie Kaylee: I cannot wait to see what you do as exec. I remember meeting you for the first time at an academic preview day, and again at Scholars Prospect Weekend, and once again when you first moved on campus. I’m so grateful I can call you one of my best friends, and I know that your passion and hard work will bring The Pacer to new heights. I’m so thrilled to be leaving this paper in your hands, and know that if you ever need to scream about life for an hour when we both have other things to be doing, I’m still going to be right across the house.

 I’ve gone on long enough, so I think I’m going to wrap this up with my favorite quote from my favorite modern philosopher, Winnie the Pooh: “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

To all of you, thank you for making saying goodbye to all of this so unreasonably hard.

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