The second annual Etiquette Dinner hosted by Public Relations Student Society of America began with an etiquette lesson given by Dr.Teresa Collard, from UTM Communications department and Dr.Lisa LeBleu, from UTM Family and Consumer Sciences
They guided the group through eating a three course meal using correct etiquette. The meal began with a mixed green salad with citrus vinaigrette dressing, followed by the entrée: Chicken Marsala with pasta, asparagus and dinner rolls, ending with Dessert: Cheesecake with strawberry glaze.
The Main points they focused on were proper etiquette tips such as:
•Use silver from outside in, and spoons from right to left
•Never clean silver ware or nose with napkin
They also discussed european style eating with the group, such as to cut one bite at a time with knife in left hand and fork in right.
They went over common things people might not be informed about while fine dining, such as:
•Food is served from the left and removed from the right
•Food is passed from left to right
•Butter your bread one bite at a time
•It’s polite to take a small bite of everything even if you don’t like it
•Don’t blow your nose, pick your teeth, or apply makeup. You don’t have to announce your leaving. If a man is also seated at the table he stands with her as she leaves and returns.
•Don’t pick up items that fell on the floor, such as a napkin
•Don’t make inappropriate noises such as slurping or burping.
After the dinner a Fashion Show provided by members of PRSSA and TISL (Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature) began displaying proper casual and business attire for all occasions.
” This was a great turnout, we host these events to continue to make PRSSA a name on campus and raise money for regional and national conferences” , stated Toshya Leonard, Vice President of PRSSA