Monday, March 31, 2025
HomeViewpointsColumnsParty-Pooper weighs in on Valentine's Day

Party-Pooper weighs in on Valentine’s Day

Alright guys, we get it; Valentine’s Day sucks. But it doesn’t have to be bad … well, as bad as usual for single, party-poopers, like myself.

Anyone who has recently looked at a calendar, or has been within an audible distance of a couple, has unfortunately realized that Valentine’s Day is near. And yes, I agree, it’s a stupid holiday that generally sucks and puts me in more of a ‘bah humbug’ mood than an oh-em-gee-I-love-(insert name of current significant other here)-soooo-much mood.

However, it doesn’t have to be that way, for me or any other person. This year will be different and I’m going to tell you why.

First of all, don’t hang out with your couple friends. We get it; this ‘holiday’ sucks for you, but there is no reason to ruin everyone else’s good time.

The added bonus that this year’s holiday brings to we single people is that it is on a Friday, one of the universal drinking and barhopping days of the week.

With that being said, not everyone is into the bar scene and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, make this year’s Valentine’s Day one about taking some chances; make the day about you.

A lot of us spend all year working to please others. Whether that be our parents, teachers or the significant other that left because of that one time I didn’t get her something for Christmas … whoops.

The trick is, you have to figure out what that thing is for you.

For me, I will be roaming the bars with my same familiar band of miscreants that I am with every weekend.

If you happen to see me out and about and feel the same way about Valentine’s Day, don’t be surprised when if I offer to buy you a drink. In fact, if you mention this column I absolutely will because I’m curious how many of you read my ramblings.

However, that offer comes with one condition: that you try and have a good time. Whatever you define as a good time is entirely up to you, but I want you to enjoy Valentine’s Day this year.

One last thing, stop comparing being single on Valentine’s Day to not having a mother on Mother’s Day, or not having a father on Father’s Day, unless you have had a significant other pass away. If you have, my deepest condolences, this is not directed at you. The rest of you, however, in the words of one of the greatest zombie hunters of our generation, Woody Harrelson, “nut up or shut up.”

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