When life knocks you down, scooter around.
Isn’t it “when life knocks you down, get back up?”
For Brandon, it goes: When life knocks you down, scooter around.
Brandon Banks, Creative Media Specialist at UTM, ruptured his achilles while playing basketball. After his injury and surgery, UTM offered Banks time off to recover and heal. Banks, who covers all of UTM’s sports events, only missed one game: EIU versus UTM’s football game. Despite the time that was offered, Banks decided to scooter and crunch around the sports events, camera in hand, in order to create his media content.
The injury has not only shown Banks how much he enjoys what he does, but it also brings him a new perspective.
“One of the things my injury has taught me is to be present in the moment,” Banks states about his mental blessings. From a creative aspect, his injury has taught him how to “be still.” Banks is a high-energy individual, and with his injury, he had to learn the essence of being still and working within his capabilities. Banks goes as far as to say, “Honestly, I got some of the best shots from just sitting still.”
A new face at UTM, Banks brings a fresh and unique style of media content that has improved the overall social media presence. Banks with passion states, “I truly love being here at UT Martin, although I am doing something special, I wouldn’t have gotten here without God. He blessed me with the talent and opportunity to become better.” Banks takes his injury with stride and makes the best out of his situation.
Taking it one day at a time, Banks hopes to work in the NBA one day, certainly having the work ethic and adaptability to get the job done.
When life knocks you down, scooter around.