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HomeFeaturesMake sure you're prepared for job interviews

Make sure you’re prepared for job interviews

Imagine being interviewed for the job of your dreams and nailing the interview because you prepared.

“Before getting in front of a hiring manager, carve out time in advance to prepare for the interview,ā€ said UTM Interim Director of Career Planning and Development Katie Mantooth.

The first step to be prepared is to research the company and position you are considering. Possessing knowledge of the company shows how interested you are in the role and company. Start by finding general knowledge on the company website or its social media pages, then investigate the company’s culture, accomplishments and initiatives. Doing your homework demonstrates you are knowledgeable to the hiring manager.

The second step is to prepare answers to the tricky questions the interviewer might ask in advance. Be prepared to address your biggest weakness and strongest skill. Applying the STAR method will help with hard questions. STAR stands for situation, task, action and result. The STAR method allows you to tell a brief story with main points that resonates with the interviewer when answering tricky questions.

ā€œYou want to emphasize things that align with who you are, but also show off your skills and passion for the position you are interviewing for during this part of the interview,ā€ said Mantooth.

The third step is to be prepared to answer any questions they may have in regard to your resume. Know the resume so you can speak intelligently about all of your previous positions and skills. Be prepared to explain any employment gaps. Study and fully understand the job description before your interview and make sure it aligns with what your resume shows you are qualified to do. Saying your answer out loud by completing mock interviews with CPAD will prepare you even more.

ā€œPreparing for questions allows you to have specific examples to emphasize your skills and how you would apply them to the job you are seeking,ā€ Mantooth said.

The fourth step is be prepared for the interviewer to observe your eye contact, your confidence, your handshake and your attire. Be conscious of body language before and during your interview. Your body language is going to tell a lot to the interviewer. Be confident and do not show your nervousness. Dress according to the style of the company. If the dress code is professional, your Sunday best may not be good enough.

ā€œSit up straight, lean forward, make eye contact and talk. Listen carefully to everything the interviewer says. Be alert and demonstrate that you are confident,ā€ said Mantooth.

The fifth step is to prepare questions to ask your interviewer. You need to have at least two to three questions that are specific to the position. Start the conversation with a question about the upcoming company projects. Ask the interviewer about the experiences they have had at their company.

Finally, Mantooth says to contact the interviewer within 24 hours. Give him or her time to consider if you are going to be a fit for the company. Contact the interviewer with a simple follow-up letter, an email or a brief phone call. Before leaving the interview, write down the interviewer information and follow up with him or her to show your interest in working at the company.

Being prepared will help give you the confidence to nail your interview.  CPAD in Boling University Center, room 210, can help get you started with your resume, interview techniques, personal branding, headshots or a career plan. Be sure to check out Captain’s Closet, which contains professional outfits students can have for free.

ā€œAn interview is a nerve-racking part of the hiring process. Being prepared for the interview gives you a better chance of making a great impression and increases the chances of getting the job,ā€ said Mantooth.

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