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Later spring break means different advising schedule

Registration for Maymester, summer and fall 2021 classes at UTM will begin Monday, April 5.

To register, students must remove all holds and meet with their academic advisers. Most holds can be removed by going to Banner Self-Service, clicking on the Student Records drop-down menu, clicking on the View Holds tab, and then following the instructions for each hold.

Scheduling and advising holds, however, may be removed only by faculty or staff advisers. Here’s the catch – the week before registration is UTM’s scheduled spring break, so the academic advising that normally would occur right before registration has to be pushed back to sometime before Friday, March 26.

That means students, particularly those who are able to register first, need to contact their faculty advisers soon and set up appointments.

Academic departments handle advising in various ways, so be sure to find out the protocol and be polite when requesting appointments. For those who aren’t sure who their adviser is, check Flight Plan, which has the adviser’s name listed, or ask a trusted faculty member how to proceed.

Before meeting with any adviser, students should carefully review their Flight Plan and be prepared to ask questions about degree requirements they don’t understand. Students also should have a rough outline of a schedule already drafted before the advising meeting and should let advisers know if classes must be scheduled around athletics, workplace requirements, caregiving obligations, etc.

Finally, all students receive registration appointment emails. Students may register on or after their appointments, which are based on the number of hours earned at the end of the previous semester. Hours being taken now haven’t been completed yet, so they will not count as earned hours until the end of spring semester. For a chart of registration appointments, go to

Two other UTM websites also provide information on how to register for classes: and

Once registration begins, any problems should be referred to the Registrar’s Office by calling 731-881-7050 or emailing

Infographic Credit / Shailla Bowles

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