UTM students and Martin residents packed into the Interfaith Student Center for the annual Empty Bowls event on Thursday, November 17th.

Empty Bowls is a national movement focused on eradicating hunger. For a donation, participants receive a unique bowl and soup dinner. A local version of the event is held annually at the Interfaith Student Center. The director of Interfaith Student Center, Rev.
Jolinne Downey, said the bowls can serve as a continual reminder that other still need help.
“Feeding the hungry is something all faiths care about,” Rev. Downey said. “This is a great way to bring the community together for a great purpose.”
The event also offers an opportunity for the arts. The bowls were created by Prof. David McBeth, who has been teaching at UTM since 1992, and a small group of students. About 600 bowls were made for this year’s Empty Bowls, which began in September.
Brahm Greve, a Junior graphic design major, experienced Empty Bowls for the first time this year.
“It’s a good way for graphic artists to get their work out there and gives food for people who want to eat. I like the bowls because they’re visually appealing,” Greve said.
The Interfaith Student Center is open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday and noon to 10 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Services are on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. The Interfaith Student Center is located across from the Business Administration Building, near Bradley Book Company. More information on the Empty Bowls Project can be found at www.emptybowls.net.