Hurricane Florence has ravaged the east coast states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia and so on, with the potential of remnants of the hurricane reaching middle Tennessee.
We at The Pacer want to offer our sincerest condolences to everyone affected by this natural disaster, whether it be losing a loved one or property. We can only hope that the states affected are able to rebuild quickly and that the survivors can return to their homes soon.
In addition, The Pacer would also like to acknowledge the first responders for helping the areas affected. Firefighters, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, the National Guard and so on are helping survivors make it through this horrific ordeal. Charities are also assisting with relief efforts.
While West Tennessee and Martin, in particular, are in little danger of enduring severe damage from a hurricane, we strongly advise everyone to have a plan in the event of a natural disaster. Floods, tornadoes and especially earthquakes can affect this region at nearly any given time. It never hurts to have a safe area and proper knowledge of how to deal with natural disasters.