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How to improve your health without a prescription

Whether one wants to lose weight, stop smoking, get better grades or just improve your overall well-being, there are alternatives to traditional western medicine.

For ages, mankind has looked for ways of dealing with pain, stress and other ailments. For the traditional western world, people have been focused primarily on science as a cure for these ailments in the form of medicine that come in many forms. In today’s world, there seems to be a pill for just about anything; however in some cases, these “cures” can actually cause dangerous side effects including death. From the 1960s to 1980s, the sales of prescription drugs were stable. However, from 1980 to the year 2000, they exploded and tripled. As of 2005, it is more than $200 billion a year.

In many parts of the eastern world, there is less reliance on science and instead their focus is on “mind-over-matter.” In these areas instead of taking medicine for almost ever ailment they turn to their own bodies and minds to help ease not only their ailments but to treat stress and other cognitive born issues. These methods include mediation and hypnosis.

According to skeptics, meditation can’t be scientifically proven to be valid. However, according to, there have been hundreds of clinical tests conducted that have shown meditation to be an effective routine to increase a person’s overall health.

The skeptics also say that hypnosis is just based on the power of suggestion, and while that plays a part in it there are more complex things at work. A study conducted by Dr. David Patterson concluded that hypnosis did in fact work with patients with chronic pains.

Many of these alternative ways are deemed safe by professionals and at low cost. Research the studies conducted on meditation and hypnosis to determine for yourself whether or not they are a viable option for you. While researching academic works is critical to research, one can also ask someone who meditates regularly or has undergone hypnotherapy to get insight to their experiences.

It is recommended after research to consult a doctor to make sure you don’t have any predisposition preventing you from getting the full benefits of the methods listed. Also, learn the techniques and choose the one right for you. To learn more, The Paranormal Research & Investigation Society of Martin hosts occasional seminars on this topic and can be requested for private seminars on their website.

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