Stress – it’s a feeling that virtually all UTM students share around this time of year.
Next week, we begin the Thanksgiving holiday break. But before we can head home and start scarfing down countless amounts of delectable and savory food, we all must come to terms with the stress of tests, projects and all other sorts of school work. This is amplified by the fact that finals are within spitting distance of where we are currently.
Some of the student body is likely dealing with other matters, such as work and internships. Other, more personal, issues affect students too, like family problems. Thanksgiving usually brings around all sorts of different family members, for better or worse.
The buildup of stress is likely affecting all of us at UTM and the semester will likely only get more difficult as the year progresses towards finals.
We at The Pacer understand and can relate to the school-related stress that this time of year brings. As a staff, we are rooting for all UTM students to push on and kill it come time for finals. While the world may seem stressful and bleak now, the reward will come to students during the long awaited break between semesters or for those who will experience graduation in the near future.
Please do whatever you can to relieve some stress, whether that be talking to a friend, participating in your favorite hobby or even seeing a therapist. The Student Health Center, located next to Phase I and Cooper Hall, is open Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., for students who need someone to talk to.
From The Pacer staff, we wish you good luck and urge you to keep your stress under control.