Tuesday, March 25, 2025
HomeViewpointsColumnsHazing: Sometimes it can go too far

Hazing: Sometimes it can go too far

Hazing has long been a tradition in many different circles of life, but there comes a point when humorous hazing becomes unnecessary meat-headed bullying that needs to be eliminated.

Whether it’s physical abuse or monetary exploitation, the tradition of hazing is one that is led with evil intent cleverly disguised as tradition.

Don’t get me wrong, shaving half of someone’s head and forcing him or her to wear a ridiculous haircut for a week is hysterical. However, the common acts of physical and emotional abuse that some take part in is both pointless and shows ignorance.

Merriam-Webster defines hazing as, “the practice of playing unpleasant tricks on someone or forcing someone to do unpleasant things.”

There’s a line between “forcing someone to do unpleasant things,” and just plain bullying and assault, that many people either aren’t realizing or are simply ignoring.

There are plenty of stories of hazing that result in death that involve everything from kidnapping, to simply beating someone until they’re unconscious. I guess it’s not humorous when that person doesn’t wake up, and I would imagine it sure doesn’t invoke any sense of pride or tradition either.

From the military to fraternities, sororities, athletics and many other organizations, hazing has long been part of the foundation for newcomers. I can easily think of an alternative: support one another, have each other’s backs and build one another up.

The idea of tearing someone down, emotionally or physically, is not only barbaric, but just plain idiotic. The idea that this is what people need to forge a bond with another person is just plain sad.

This isn’t an attack on Greek life, or any other specific organization. This is a concerned person calling out an old practice that has more than overstayed its welcome in American culture.

I’m not delirious. I realize this problem won’t simply disappear into thin air, but something needs to be done.

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  1. Clearly a crack on the Greek system as a whole. Sad to see administration target Greeks. This would only make the campus lose money from Greeks who are the alumni who end up making the most money and also donate the most as well.

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