Wednesday, March 12, 2025
HomeViewpointsColumnsHaunted House Review: Fear Factory

Haunted House Review: Fear Factory

Fear Factory, not your average run-of-the-mill haunted house.

Fear Factory is exactly what it says, a factory. Located on the corner of 1st and Main streets in downtown Union City, Tennessee,

Fear Factory is a great time and for $12 it will save you the driving to some of the other haunted attractions.

Fear Factory is a huge abandoned building that has been turned into the haunted attraction. The building is 8,000 square feet and has three different floors of frightening sights and different attractions.

The fun begins, however, before you even walk into the door. While standing in line outside they have people walking around in costumes passing out candy. You might also be surprised by a man with a chainsaw or some other creepy person in a costume.

Once you get inside and purchase your ticket they release you to start your journey through the Fear Factory. You will begin by climbing stairs to the third floor and proceed to work your way back down to the bottom.

During your trip you will encounter many different obstacles. You must walk through different hallways and around corners where people are lurking at every least expected spot. There is also a maze of some sort that was slightly difficult to figure out. If you go to Fear Factory you will be able to see the reenactment of an execution in which you will be scared by more than just one thing.

Another interesting and scary part about the Fear Factory was that they had a tunnel that you had to walk through that was extremely tight. When I say tight, I mean that the tunnel was touching you on all sides and you had to burrow your way through to the other side.

Overall, I really enjoyed my experience at Fear Factory in Union City, Tennessee, and I would recommend it for anyone. It is the ideal haunted attraction that isn’t overly scary for you and a group of friends to go enjoy, laugh and be frightened.

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