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Happy Valentine’s Day from The Pacer

Let’s just get this over with; Valentine’s Day is next week.
This is one of those love-it-or-hate-it holidays, and it normally kicks up more dust than necessary. What is that supposed to mean? Let’s think about the kinds of reactions we can expect to see as the big day approaches.

First there’s the party-pooper: the guy or girl that not only hates this day, but also has to tell you why. Whether it’s Hallmark or Hershey that devised this dastardly day, he or she just isn’t having it. By some uncanny coincidence, this person is usually single.

Then there’s the problem on the opposite side: the clown. This person is indiscriminately pouring pink and red symbols of affection on all classmates, coworkers and friends within a mile radius. It’s this person’s fault that a piece of Valentine’s Day candy will sit in one of your drawers for a very long time before you throw it away.

You could get mad, but this person also overdoes Halloween, so you should probably just bite your tongue and wait for the good candy coming in eight months.

Valentine’s Day is not for either of these people. That’s why any reaction from the party-pooper or the clown is so cartoonish that you almost have to tease them.

But if Valentine’s Day isn’t a holiday dedicated to finding out who hates love and who doesn’t, then who is it for? The answer is simple: single people in need of an icebreaker.

Think about it; it’s the perfect excuse to work up the nerve and express your romantic feelings towards someone. If it doesn’t go well, don’t sweat it; there’s always next year.

If it does go well, Valentine’s Day comes to the rescue again, offering an explanation for your generosity, so feel free to spoil your date silly.

But let’s be honest for just a moment; please don’t take Valentine’s Day too seriously. This holiday is only as important as you make it, so have fun, but keep in mind that it’s not exactly Thanksgiving we’re talking about.

The Pacer wishes readers a happy and safe Valentine’s Day.

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