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HomeUncategorizedFrom our stress to yours... it's all downhill from here

From our stress to yours… it’s all downhill from here

Another stressful week of midterms has come and gone here at UTM.

Midterms symbolize the halfway mark of the semester fostering major exams and daunting papers within the week. Some students will feel happy, maybe even overjoyed, about the condition of their grades after midterms, while others will feel as if they’re down in a hole and can’t get out.

At The Pacer, we’re here to tell you that now is not the time for complacency, nor hopelessness.

Midterms are just the middle of the term; eight more weeks of second chances will follow suit.

If your grades are good, even phenomenal, keep it up! Complacency is a killer and can drag the highest of grades down to the depths of oblivion over time. Higher grades will lead to a better GPA, and a higher GPA will lead to a better-looking resumé. Keep grinding and striving for those high grades.

If by chance your grades didn’t turn out as well as you would have liked, don’t feel hopeless. There’s still another half of the semester that you can make great.

The best thing to do is find out why you’re falling behind. If it’s a lack of studying, get over to the Paul Meek Library or another quiet place to hit the books harder than you ever have before.

If you’re doing a lot of extracurriculars and can’t manage your time because of it, consider dropping an activity or lightening your workload.

If motivation is your issue, remember why you’re in college in the first place – to get a degree and enhance your life.

It’s easy to let the mid-semester slump hit you like a ton of bricks, but don’t let midterms weigh you down.

Take your weekly coffee break, analyze your routine, allow your spirit to be rejuvenated by the quickly approaching end of semester and remember that if you’re ever in need of mental help or clarity, there are people willing to listen.

It’s only midterms, not the end, so hang in there Skyhawks, it’s going to get better.

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