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HomeNewsCampus & LocalEmpty Bowls event nearly doubles previous year's donation

Empty Bowls event nearly doubles previous year’s donation

On Nov. 18, the UTM Fine Arts Building played host to the fourteenth annual Empty Bowls charity event.

Empty Bowls was started by Professor David McBeth as a way to raise money for We-Care Ministries to help feed those in Martin that are unable afford food. 

Since October, McBeth and over 30 volunteers, at various stages of the process, have been crafting 650 soup bowls for the two-hour Empty Bowls event. Each of these bowls is purchased for $10, which is then given to We-Care.

“I’m not able to write a 10,000-dollar check or a 5,000-dollar check to We Care, but I am able to make 500 bowls and help raise 5,000 dollars,” McBeth said. 

Empty Bowls is also hosted in conjunction with the Wesley Foundation. Wesley Foundation Director Amanda Crice and 12 students helped to set up Empty Bowls in the Fine Arts Building. This includes setting up tables, chairs, utensils and over 30 crockpot-cookers that are used for the various soups.

“Wesley used to host Empty Bowls, but then the event got so big that we couldn’t fit it in our building anymore,” Crice said. “So, we try to be supporters and partners, because we really think it’s an amazing thing that David’s doing,” 

The event lasted for two hours and raised over $7,200 dollars. This is nearly double what the amount was from last year, which was just over $4,000 dollars.

On Feb. 3, the Wesley Foundation and McBeth will host Cups for the Cure. This event helps raise money for those in the area suffering from cancer and will feature hand-crafted mugs instead of bowls.

(Photo Credit/Jerry Garcia)

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