Monday, March 31, 2025

Creative Corner

Alex McNeal is a senior Studio Fine Arts major from New Johnsonville.

McNeal has a mixed media approach. “I do 2D and 3D work,” McNeal said. Her 2D work is more focused on ink and ink wash techniques, and her 3D work is mostly ceramics.

Most of the time, however, she just goes with what makes her happy. She enjoys working with bright colors, fun lines and less serious matters. “I love working on things that let me play around with bright, saturated color and fun line work.”

“Art is a way for me to boost my mood… Self expression is a good part of that as well.”

McNeal draws her inspiration from many different places. “The show I’m working on now is heavily inspired by the strange sorts of life that live in the ocean and the weird sorts of beauty you can find there.”

McNeal says that art is a learning process. “Mistakes are [going to] happen. Make a mess, make mistakes… make what makes you happy, just as long as you’re enjoying the process of creating.”

McNeal has had pieces featured in BeanSwitch and there are several pieces on display now in the Fine Arts Gallery as part of the current exhibit. More of McNeal’s pieces will be available for viewing during the senior art exhibition beginning March 10.

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