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HomeNewsCaptain's Closet offers free professional attire

Captain’s Closet offers free professional attire

The office of Career Planning and Development (CPAD) sponsored the open house of “Captain’s Closet” in the UC on Thursday, Sept. 27.

“A few months ago, a student came in with a need about having adequate clothing for interviews and for career fair events and things. We noticed there were several students,” explained Mark McCloud, Director of CPAD.

“Due to the generosity of students, of faculty and staff and of our community, we are pleased to be able to offer professional attire to students at no cost.”

Because of the need for proper professional attire among college students, the Martin community has stepped up in donating new and lightly used clothing.

“We have about 100 suits and dresses here now. But we will regularly have drives,” says McCloud.

“As we deplete the number of clothes, we’ll just have another drive. People have been so gracious to be able to donate professional attire, new and gently used.”

The goal of Captain’s Closet is to continue to supply business professional clothing for interviews so that students will have an additional resource to help them in their careers beyond their degree. Many students struggle to find acceptable clothing due to inadequate budget funds as junior Philosophy major, Bryan Martindale has expressed.

“It was helpful to know that they give out stuff because I’m kinda tight on money,” said Martindale.

With tight budgets for many students, it’s often a decision between clothes or food. As 2017 Ag-Business Alumnus, CJ Washington has expressed, “the need for Captain’s Closet is immense.”

“I think it’s phenomenal. I mean, there’s definitely a need for this to help students, to help alumni, to help people,” Washington says.

“Sometimes you have to figure out; am I gonna buy a nice blazer or am I gonna eat this month? You know, it’s really that serious.”

The array of clothing is fit for men and women of many different sizes.

“I think it’s very helpful. It looks nice and professional,” said Sarah Perry, a freshman Social Work major from Ripley.

There are several requirements for students interested in receiving clothes from Captain’s Closet. Students have to come into CPAD, located in room 210 of the UC, to have their resumé critiqued and to do a mock interview.

“We want to have the clothes available, but we also want them to be prepared so that they’ll have success in their interview,” McCloud said.

All in all, UTM is looking to the successful future of its students, and Captain’s Closet is one small step toward making that goal a reality.

“I believe that Captain’s Closet is a wonderful thing,” Washington said. “It’s needed and I’m glad that someone thought of it.”

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