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HomeNewsCampus & LocalCampus construction conundrum continues

Campus construction conundrum continues

Ask any student at UTM if they have noticed construction on campus and they will give you a resounding “yes”, followed by some grumbling.

Like most growing universities, UTM is constantly upgrading and improving the facilities on campus. To get to the root of the issue and answer questions for students, The Pacer sat down with Chancellor Keith Carver and asked him some questions about the construction and future projects planned for UTM.

The current construction that students have noticed outside of the University Center, that looks like torn out concrete and tunnels, is an upgrade to the steam lines that provide hot water and heat for buildings across campus.

The lines that are being replaced are over 50 years old and are deteriorating rapidly, so the biggest advantage to replacing them is better energy efficiency on campus. The Pacer also reached out to Tim Nipp, Physical Plant Operations Director for UTM, regarding the timeline of the construction’s completion; however, he was unavailable for comment.

Carver also noted that as one section is finished, another begins. These steam line replacements are estimated to take several months but will have stronger and lasting results than the current ones.

The money for construction comes from the state as a part of regular maintenance to campus.

When asked about the effect construction will have on prospective students and the image of UTM, Carver said he believes construction means forward movement.

“What I always tell folks is that construction means progress, and in the long term, it’s gonna make us more attractive and energy efficient… It’s a small inconvenience for a long term benefit,” Carver said.

Other construction projects at UTM include finishing renovations at Clement Hall, the Phase II development of Fine Arts and the construction of the Latimer STEM building, which is estimated to have a ground-breaking in the next year. As for the construction occurring across from Cooper Hall in the Humanities parking lot, a large portion can be contributed to the placement of the STEM building, which will also be occupying the space currently held by the Communications Building.

On a list of projects that have already been completed during this transition time, students would find the refacing of the Elam Center, the replaced steps outside of the Administration Building and the building of the columns at the new entry points to campus near the baseball fields and across from the football stadium, which is not to leave out the completion of the Champions’ Room and the new press box at Hardy Graham Stadium.

Carver said that Phase II of Fine Arts is required to receive donations totaling 10 percent of the estimated project costs, with the other 90 percent coming from the state. The STEM building is fully funded already from donors and the state.

Construction is also taking longer than it would on an industrial site because of attention being given to class schedules. Most of the construction happens at night and on weekends, so as not to disturb classes during the day.

UTM has several ongoing construction projects and more on the way. However, Carver suggests looking at these projects as forward motion by the university and as the culmination of the Five-Year Strategic Plan which serves to make campus cost and energy efficient.


(The steam lines outside of Cooper Hall and Clement Hall are being replaced to become more energy efficient. | Photo credit/Benjamin Greer)

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Rachel Moore
Rachel Moore
I like strong coffee and breaking the news. UTM Communications Major, Graduating May 2019.

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