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HomeArts & EntertainmentCall of Duty: Advance Warfare review

Call of Duty: Advance Warfare review

When the first whisper of a new Call of Duty game produced by Sledgehammer was heard of the fans went crazy.

For nearly two and a half years fans waited impatiently as they wore out their Black-Ops 2 disks and just edged by playing Ghosts but when the reveal video for Call of Duty: Advance Warfare was leaked three days early on May 1, 2014 gamers went crazy.

The trailer offered gamers hopes of a new game with new gadgets, new guns and a greater evil than before.

With Kevin Spacey as the antagonist dictator who threatens the existence of democracy in America, players could not wait to get their hands on the game that was set to be released Tuesday, November 4, 2014.

Between the leak date and the release date, beta testers released dozens of videos of the campaign and multi-player game play. By the time the game was released, it was impossible to get a hard copy without per-ordering the game months in advance which came with some epic DLC. So here is my review for the newest installment of the Call of Duty.

After downloading the game, I jumped straight into multi-player thinking that the controls would be the same as all of the previous franchise games, but I was very wrong. Advanced Warfare is a much more technical game that requires fast reaction times and a well-rested mind.

The game play is so much faster than previous installments and there are so many more ways to evade enemies or launch sneak attacks. The term ‘camping’ does not apply to this game unless you have a few teammates helping you.

When playing it is beneficial to have a full headset because the sounds and effects are so realistic and there are many times when playing on multi-player that you will need your teammates’ help.

This is not the kind of game to play when you have other less appealing things to do because you will choose to play this game instead.

The game play is captivating on so many levels and if you are like me then you will turn off all of the lights except a lamp, grab some snacks and completely tune into the game. The multi-player game play gets an easy 10 and two thumbs up from me.

The campaign mode was a bit slow with many of the same monotonous tasks that are in the other games.

The storyline was much more thought out than before but I just could not force myself to play all the way through.

The new weapon upgrades, score streaks and camouflage where above and beyond expectation for Call of Duty. I also had a strange sense of similarity between Halo’s game-play and Advanced Warfare’s game-play.

I felt as the next installment would be a space exploration lead by Master Chief. For these reasons the campaign mode that I played through only got a 6 out of 10.

Overall this game was the best game in the Call of Duty franchise. The multi-player game-play at this point will only get better as more players get a hold of the game and start playing on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network.

I played this game on the Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, and PS4 with no problems except having to remember different controls.

I will say that the only versions produced by SledgeHammer were the Xbox One and the PS4 and it was evident in the graphics and faster reactions with game-play but there was little lost in the High Moon Studios edition for the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

If you still don’t have the game then I would advise you to get it soon. This game is one of the best game releases and I personally prefer Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare to Battlefield 4.


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Aerin Langlois
Aerin Langlois
I am a senior Sports Management Major, and I work weekends at Memphis International Raceway. I have worked for various companies in the extreme sports and motorsports industries by promoting and marketing different brands. I enjoy getting to meet new people and go to new places with new experiences, especially when there are opportunities for me to meet people from different places.

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