Alas, the long-lasting tyranny of her majesty Jenifer Nicks is coming to an end. In August 2013, the Viewpoints section of your beloved campus paper will be liberated from the grating cynicism and nauseating honesty that is the Nicks

And she’s being replaced with a near-identical copy, ladies and gentlemen! That’s right, the intimidating and controversial nature of The Pacer’s Viewpoints section is coming back, and it’s going to be as cringe-worthy as ever.
That is, it might be; see that depends on you, readers. This new academic year will be all about the voices of the readers. Sure they won’t always be popular opinions, but by golly if there’s one thing the human race is good at, it’s arguing.
And argue we shall! With your Brand new editor at the helm, you can be sure that we are going to visit the stormiest of seas and the shadiest of docks looking for every view we can find.
At this point you may be thinking nervously to yourself, “Has The Pacer been usurped by a madman?” to which we can assure you that it has not. Not entirely.
Even though your traditional Pacer staff is getting a gritty reboot, you can still expect only occasional contributions from your gracious editors, because Viewpoints still is and will always be the voice of the students.
Our goal, dear readers, for this journalistic revolution of The Pacer is to find the perfect combination of entertaining and thought-provoking content. And with your help, we just might find it. Let us know what’s on your mind and we guarantee your views will be mercilessly fought over for weeks to come. As long as it’s done in a civilized, organized and light-hearted manner, no discussion will be rejected.
So remember: fall is bringing a new regime to the Pacer, one of hope and choice for the people of UTM. But also keep in mind that if no one contributes to the Viewpoints section, the editor will write about literally whatever he wants. And no one can stop him unless that person has access to The Pacer office and a very expensive amount of duct tape. See you next year, ladies and gentlemen!
…and voice our opinions, we shall!