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HomeFeaturesAlumni Spotlight: Shelby Guffey

Alumni Spotlight: Shelby Guffey

Image of UT Martin Alumni Shelby Guffey | Photo / Shelby Guffey

Meet Shelby Guffey, a December 2019 graduate of UT Martin.

While at UT Martin, Shelby double majored in Communications with a concentration in Public Relations as well as in English, concentrating in Literature. Since graduation, Guffey has begun working for the state of Tennessee’s Department of Human Resources as the Communications Manager. Guffey is the first person to hold this position. 

Starting her job in February of 2020, Guffey didn’t have much time to get comfortable before COVID-19 took the world by storm. Her day-to-day job includes all internal and external communications to state employees via email, website, and social media. As the world was beginning to shut down, Guffey was in charge of informing all employees of the state of Tennessee of all the latest updates. 

Guffey was ready for the real world, she had spent her years at UT Martin gaining experience. She was no stranger to student organizations, being a PEP leader, a College leader, a SOAR leader, as well as a sister of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. She also served as the Director of Public Relations for the College Panhellenic Council.

These leadership roles and Guffey’s positive attitude and amazing work ethic caused her to receive the Paul and Martha Meek Scholarship at graduation. This award is only given to seniors who demonstrate outstanding community and campus service during their years at UT Martin. 

Guffey has a reminder for all seniors looking forward to graduation, “UT Martin has prepared you for a career post-graduation. UTM students have marketable experiences that are valuable to your desired industry.”

Alumni like Guffey serve as a constant reminder to current students that although life after graduation seems scary, UT Martin sets their students up for success. 

As for advice for seniors, her biggest advice is to keep in contact with your professors, saying, “These lasting relationships can open doors without knowing it.”

She has kept in touch with several of her professors. Guffey visits with some PR classes in the Mass Media and Strategic Communication Department each semester to share her experience transitioning into the real world. Although it was a big change, Guffey says reaching out to her friends and family helped her to adjust. 

Looking toward the future, Guffey says, “My plan for the future is to lead the state of Tennessee as a model state for accessible content on websites, email communications, and social media.”

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