Tuesday, March 18, 2025
HomeNewsCampus & LocalAlpha Phi Sigma's 'Plays for Strays' fundraiser

Alpha Phi Sigma’s ‘Plays for Strays’ fundraiser

The Kappa Epsilon chapter of the national honor society of criminal justice, Alpha Phi Sigma, is conducting a fundraiser to help collect animal toys for the Red Fern Animal Shelter in Dresden, Tennessee.

After the organization’s advisor, Dr. Donna Massey, was faced with dealing with a neglected dog, she and the organization decided to help make a change in the lives of animals. Dr. Massey found Brutus left in his former owners backyard. She began to bring him food and water, but the work became too much. She was then led to bring Brutus to the Red Fern Animal Shelter, but because of the large number of animals in their care already, they couldn’t take Brutus.

At this incredible shelter, there are over 80 dogs and over 100 cats. The shelter often receives donations for food or receives help through volunteer work, but they rarely receive donations of toys. The animals there are cared for but are often left without any form of entertainment or play time, as there are a lot of animals to be tended to. This got Dr. Massey’s attention, which led to her and the members of Alpha Phi Sigma deciding they could do something about it.

They have decided to do a pet toy drive to collect toys for the cats and dogs at the animal shelter. They are also accepting donations in the form of cash, which will be used to buy more toys. They see the need and desire for attention and excitement in all these animals. If they cannot give them all a forever home, they want to at least bring them some form of joy.

If you would like to donate to the Plays for Strays toy drive, please contact Dr. Massey at dmassey@utm.edu or Mary Clayton at maraclay@ut.utm.edu. There are also donation boxes located at local businesses such as A-Z Pet Supply, Hooks Vet Clinic, and Rural King in Martin, Reelfoot Animal Clinic and PetSense in Union City. A donation box can also be found inside the sociology building at UTM. Alpha Phi Sigma will be collecting donations until April 1. Please help support the local animal shelter and the loving animals inside.



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